The Beginning

It began in early 2022 when Sarah and Matthew Lacombe felt the void of an accessible and welcoming space to grow healthy food for their family. Believing in the importance of teaching young children to appreciate where their food comes from and passing on skills necessary to grow and nurture gardens of their own, they decided to start a community garden. ​​
Sarah learned everything she could about starting a community garden and sough out volunteers from the community to help bring the idea to reality.
But this idea included more than building just another community garden; it was to establish a community hub that brings people together, creates opportunities to give back and educate, and reinforces the benefits to our health and environment.
Without the support and dedication of the founding executive committee members, volunteers, sponsors, the City of Clarence-Rockland, and the community at large, the garden would not have been possible.
The garden officially opened in June 2023 and welcomed its first cohort of 19 members.

Our Vision
Our vision is to have a welcoming, peaceful, and prosperous natural space for community members to grow food, learn and share knowledge, work collaboratively, and build and strengthen community connection.

Guiding Principles
an inclusive and accessible environment
respect and safety for all
sustainability through water conservation, organic growing, and seed-saving practices