How can you help?
As a volunteer managed, non-for-profit organization, the Community Garden relies primarily on fundraising and the support of sponsors. Contributing to our efforts means that we can continue to develop our space free of barriers, and offer programming and memberships at affordable rates or for free.
We are fortunate to have received support from our community since the beginning of our project, but we still have many sponsorship & partnership opportunities.
Funding can be used to:
purchase supplies, resources & tools
purchase garden signage
hire contractors to design & build spaces & structures
sponsor membership and program registration fees
hire experts to host workshops & seminars
fund our Access for All project to focus on making our garden more accessible to everyone
Required Resources & Services
gardening supplies: garden soil, mulch, seeds, seedlings, growing trays/pots, grow lights, trellises, stakes, etc.
irrigation supplies: heavy duty hoses, nozzles, hose reel, rain barrels, solar pumps, drip lines, etc.
building supplies: lumber, gravel, stone dust, path edging stones, stepping stones, landscaping fabric, screws/nails, hand tools, etc.
structures: benches, picnic tables, pergola/gazebo, arches, etc.
services: carpentry, landscaping, workshops

Sponsorship Recognition

Provided park land, administrative and operational support, and $20,000 in funding for start-up and accessibility costs.

Sponsored excavation of the main garden area and entrance path in 2023, including provision of gravel and stone dust to create the base for accessibility.

Contributed over 100 yards of soil and 5 yards of mulch, and many transplants which supported our donation, cut flower, and membership gardens in 2023.

Sponsored the purchase of our primary cedar shed in 2023 so all garden tools and supplies could be safely stored and accessed.

Genx Construction Inc.
Sponsored the materials to build the cedar fence in 2023.

Execon Construction
2024 Growing Green: Gardening & Sustainability Fair sponsor.